My Journey with MDS

Improvement Continuing

01/10/2015 13:56

Last weekend I had two afternoons at home which illustrates that I continue to improve. I had a great time and enjoyed Sally's home cooking - after almost 5 months the good hospital menu becomes a challenge. Highlight of the weekend besides spending time together had to be Roast Dinner. 

I'm free of Baxter now most of the time, especially as I am meeting the challenge of drinking 3 litres of fluid each day to ensure my kidneys  benefit - its a real struggle but I am getting there. However the numbers of pills seems to be increasing! I am continuing to excercise and whilst only gentle I continue to improve. I have said it before but it is amazing how much my muscles have reduced as I  am not using them. I think it also is reflected in levels of fatigue, which continue to surprise me. 

All being well I will be on overnight leave Saturday into Sunday after which I hope there will be a plan for discharge, but I am trying not to get ahead of myself , I know I need to take it one day at a time. 



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