My Journey with MDS

Good News - What a relief!

24/07/2015 11:50

I'm delighted that my new German donor has agreed and the new date for the transplant is 7th August. It's really a coincidence that the day is exactly a year since I attended QA to receive the diagnosis of MDS - what a year!! So the conditioning treatment starts next Friday, it will apparently be different to that of the initial transplant but I await the details!! 

I know I have said it before but Sally and I are grateful for all the messages of good wishes especially during the period of uncertainity it has helped us both.  It has been difficult for us both coping with this period in different ways as I am sure you can imagine. 

I'm making use of the bicycle in my room, under the active encouragement of the Physio - I have to say its making a difference as I have been staggered by the loss of muscle (not that I had much) in my time here, also using stepper to avoid getting "bungalow legs" - want to try and be as well as I can be for transplant. I have lost over a stone and a half on the "transplant diet" in addition to previous weight loss, although its not one I would recommend. 




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